Thursday, June 9, 2011, 08:36 PM

Please scroll down to see the shocking story.

In a lightning operation Tesco cleared a stretch of established and ancient trees that bordered their new "Eco Friendly Tesco" site at Dores Road, Inverness. Local residents were shocked as they passed the carnage on their way home.

One resident especially was shocked, as just a few days before he had visited the site manager to complain about noise and vibration and had been promised no more trees woud be cut-down.

How could the local council possibly condone this? The published plans had a reassuring border of retained trees. Tesco say the trees were diseased. It's funny how the only trees affected in a seven mile stretch of treeline from Ness Islands to Dores now leave a gaping hole beside the new Tesco.

These trees were OUTSIDE Tesco's hoardings!

The "Eco" label for this store is a complete joke. Ancient trees have been eliminated for no reason other than making Tesco more conspicuous on the landscape. DISGUSTING!
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Tuesday, March 8, 2011, 07:07 PM

The bulldozers have moved in and nobody is updating this site!! urgently require a SERIOUS objector to the spread of Tesco in Inverness to take over the updating and moderating of this website. If you object to Tesco, have some spare time and can type, YOU can update this website.

Duties are:
Keeping the website up-to-date with developments.
Moderating comments and petition entries received.

The website also receives frequent contact from Radio and Press requesting interviews and comments so if you're passionate about stopping the spread of Tesco YOU HAVE JUST FOUND YOUR PLATFORM!

Email us from the "Contact" section with full details of what you can bring to the site. All applicants will be "vetted".
We don't want any spies in the camp.
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Welcome To Interactive !
Tuesday, January 27, 2009, 09:22 PM
Here's how it works: post Developments and News items as they happen.
Stories appear newest first, so scroll down to see older posts.

Visitors can then "comment" on each news article.
You must click on "comments" to see all entries and add your own.

Don't miss our "Related Hot Links" on right and don't forget to add to online petition.
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Objections to Tesco plans thrown out!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009, 09:21 PM
Published: Inverness Courier 23 January, 2009

PLANS for a fourth Tesco store in Inverness have won approval for the second time, despite efforts by some councillors to get them thrown out.

In an unusual move, Highland Council's full planning committee was asked to reconsider the application for the proposed supermarket development on Dores Road, Holm, after nine councillors signed a motion of amendment calling for the decision of the Inverness, Nairn, Badenoch and Strathspey planning applications and review committee to be re-examined.

The area planning committee granted planning approval for a supermarket, petrol station, four smaller retail units, doctor's surgery and community building in December.

In their attempts to get the decision overruled on Wednesday councillors complained about the proposed store being too big for the area.

Concerns were also raised about whether there would be any demand for the smaller retail units.

Inverness councillor Norrie Donald (Ness-side) fears the units may remain vacant and in time, attempts may be made to incorporate them into the Tesco store, increasing the total floor space beyond an unacceptable level.

Ward colleague Fraser Parr pointed out that Holm Community Council objected to the development because of its size and Councillor Roddy Balfour (Culloden and Ardersier) claimed that 90 per cent of the local population were concerned by the plans.

"My fear is if this goes ahead this supermarket will destroy the ambience of what is a very pleasant district community centre," he said.

Councillors Sandy Park (Nairn) and Pauline Munro (Inverness West) both signed the notice of amendment, but told the committee they would be supporting the application.

During the debate Councillor John Holden (Inverness South), who argued the store was too big for the 2400 Ness-side population, attempted to circulate a letter from ex-provost Bill Smith but was stopped by the committee chairman.

The letter alleged that during informal discussions with planners seven years ago Tesco offered to contribute �17 million for improvements to the local infrastructure as part of a deal to get a bigger store.

Councillor Holden was silenced from referring to the document and warned he was treading on dangerous ground and the information was not relevant to the current application.

The committee voted 14 to five in favour of Tesco's plans.

Supporting the application, Inverness provost Jimmy Gray said he was disappointed the plans had come under scrutiny for the second time.

He said there had been a clear discussion first time round and there was no justification for refusing the application. Douglas Wilson, corporate affairs manager for Tesco, welcomed the committee's decision.

"This application is the first one Tesco has ever submitted in Inverness and we are pleased that the positive community benefits of our application have been recognised.

"Tesco remains extremely proud of its commitment to Inverness and the wider community. For over a decade Tesco has taken opportunities that were open to other retailers and invested significantly across the Highlands and in Inverness.

"While the debate over competition is fully recognised, Tesco plays a vital part in the economy of the Highlands � we employ over two thousand people in the Highlands and our local suppliers are a key part of the success of our business."

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Move to overturn fourth Tesco approval (Inverness Courier)
Saturday, December 6, 2008, 01:30 AM

COUNCILLORS opposed to plans for a fourth Tesco store in Inverness are taking the unusual step of attempting to have this week's planning approval overturned.

By last night, nine councillors had signed a notice of amendment calling on the council's planning, environment and development (PED) committee to overrule Tuesday's decision.

The notice, signed by councillors John Holden, Roddy Balfour, Hamish Wood, Sandy Park, Janet Campbell, Jimmy MacDonald, Fraser Parr, Pauline Munro and Glynis Sinclair, is expected to be lodged with the authority's assistant chief executive Michelle Morris today.

Under the council's standing order rules, elected members who wish to have a decision on a planning matter debated are entitled to place a notice of amendment, providing it is done within three days of the planning committee.

The notice must be in writing and signed by eight members of the council, including at least one third of the membership of the relevant planning committee.

It is understood the notice will go before members of the PED committee on 21st January.

Councillor John Holden, who was leading yesterday's move with councillors Roddy Balfour and Fraser Parr, argues the application by Tesco is premature and should remain on hold until a decision is made on the long-awaited Inverness bypass.

He fears that allowing the development at Dores Road, Holm, to go ahead will decimate local shops and believes the planned store is too large for the area.

"This notice of amendment will ask for the decision to be overturned," he said. "It is as simple as that."

Tesco, which already has three stores operating in the city, was also granted approval to build a petrol station, four smaller retail units, doctor's surgery and community building.

Members of the Inverness, Nairn, Badenoch and Strathspey planning and applications review committee voted eight to four in favour of the development.

Responding to news of the amendment Doug Wilson, Tesco's corporate affairs manager, said: "The decision taken on Tuesday was part of a local democratic planning process and was fully supported by the officer's recommendation."

As published In Inverness Courier 05/12/2008
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APPROVED 8 votes to 4!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008, 09:54 PM
It seems pretty obvious now that our local council/planners may have made a back room deal with TESCO? Why else has the Local Plan now been abandoned? Planners now talking about "Tesco retaining their presence in town". It's not about a 4th store now, but a PAYBACK for having to demolish the Tesco store at Inshes while letting TESCO "retain their presence in town".


THE COUNCIL HAVE SOLD US OUT to solve their lack of planning at Inshes roundabout!

What are you going to do about it?

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Important Update!
Wednesday, December 5, 2007, 02:25 PM
Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997
Planning Appeal : Land at Ness Side, Dores Road, Inverness

The above mentioned appeal has been DISMISSED!
and planning permission for the fourth Tesco has been REFUSED!
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Friday, February 9, 2007, 07:21 PM
Planners say no to fourth city Tesco!

THE only MSP to join the objectors to Tesco�s proposed fourth superstore in Inverness is celebrating after councillors threw out the controversial multimillion-pound development.Green MSP Eleanor Scott is tickled pink with a decision by members of Highland Council�s area planning committee to give the thumbs down to the application to create a 4,400-square metre supermarket at Ness Side. She was just one of more than 3,000 people who rose up in a display of public indignation to protest against the plan.

A green light would have paved the way for a massive store, individual shops, a petrol filling station and sites for the construction of a hotel and a doctors� surgery � as well as parking for almost 400 cars. Dr Scott, has previously accused Tesco of using aggressive tactics to put local shops under pressure. She has further claimed that the retailer�s operational policy �trashes the planet on a daily basis, all in order to line the pockets of fat-cat shareholders�. In the aftermath of the planners� decision, Dr Scott said: �I am delighted it has been chucked out.�It is much larger than was originally proposed. It is too big and people simply don�t want it.� She said approval would have consolidated Tesco�s �stranglehold� in the city.

The group already has a market share of 51 per cent of Inverness food sales � the highest percentage of any UK city.

Dr Scott, convener of the Scottish Green Party and spokeswoman on rural development, added: �Our concerns are not confined to Tesco but to all big supermarket chains.�

Among the party�s fears are the packaging of produce, the food miles clocked up by delivery lorries, the fact the company does not buy from local sources, and the belief that it forces �pitifully� low prices on suppliers.

The MSP was one of 73 people who wrote letters of objection to the council.About 4,000 more signed a petition.

Planning officers recommended the application be rejected on the grounds that it was contrary to the Inverness Local Plan, as the size of the foodstore would undermine smaller stores in the Ness area. Courtesy Inverness Courier
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Opposition to Fourth Tesco Plan
Monday, September 4, 2006, 09:32 AM
Opposition to Fourth Tesco Plan

Residents of an Inverness community have objected to plans for a fourth Tesco supermarket in the city. At a public meeting chaired by Holm Community Council, all of the 130 people present said there was no need for a store in their local area....

Read the full the BBC News Story here
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OFT refers grocery market to Competition Commission
Thursday, March 9, 2006, 04:41 PM
The Office of Fair Trading has been under increasing pressure to investigate the supermarket sector amid competition concerns in the sector. The OFT weighed up a number of questions before it decided to refer the matter to the Competition Commission.

Read The Full Story Here
and Here
and the Office Of Fair Trading Report Here
Watch the VIDEO

Competition Commission update
The Competition Commission has published its �emerging thinking� on the progress of its investigation. The report says that the Commission has not ruled out any areas for investigation and has identified problems including with supermarkets impact on farmers and small shops. However, the Commission�s concern�s are at this stage inconclusive and it wants more evidence about supermarkets� practices and the impacts. The evidence and submissions many of you have written to the CC have already had a significant impact in prompting the CC to reach some of the conclusions it has. Any more information or evidence that you or people you know may be able to send in would be very useful, particularly evidence from farmers or other suppliers and small retailers on the impacts of supermarket dominance.

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Every little protest helps: Campaigners unite across country
Wednesday, February 22, 2006, 06:31 PM
More than 200 local protest groups have joined an online alliance.
Read The Guardian Article Here

Tesco allowed to evict protester. Read More Here

Campaign against planning reforms launched
A coalition of groups has launched a campaign, Planning Disaster, against reforms to the planning system recommended by the Treasury in the Barker Final Report in January 2007. The report recommended deregulation of the planning system to give big business more power, and specifically changes to national planning policy on town centre development that will effectively make it easier for retail chains to build large stores outside town centres. The Planning Disaster campaign aims to encourage people to write to the Treasury expressing their concerns. For further information and to take action please see the Tescopoly & Planning Disaster links to the right.

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Press Releases
Wednesday, February 15, 2006, 09:27 PM
Friends of the Earth warmly welcomed the new "High Street UK 2015" report from the All Party Parliamentary Group on Small Shops, and urged the Government to follow the Group's recommendations. Read the Press Release Here

High Street, Clone Town, 2015 - MPs warn this that Britain's shopkeepers face extinction under the supermarket juggernaut. Read More Here

The Tescopoply Alliance links to national campaigns.
Visit Tescopoly Campaign Section Here and what Friends Of The Earth say about it Here
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Scottish High Streets Shut Up Shop reveals Parliament
Thursday, February 2, 2006, 03:05 PM
MORE than 1,600 high-street butchers, greengrocers, fishmongers and newsagents closed across Scotland in just six years as they buckled under the weight of competition from supermarkets and out-of-town shopping centres. Read the full story here
Read the BBC report here
See also: 10 years to save the high street warn MP's
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World Heritage Status or Tescotown? asks Fergus Ewing MSP
Wednesday, February 1, 2006, 01:12 AM
Fergus Ewing MSP has suggested that Inverness should apply for World Heritage Status to preserve the city's biggest asset, the unspoilt scenic journey to Loch Ness. He warned that the vast expanse of car parking and superstore Tesco propose on this route would lurch Inverness into a future model of Milton Keynes.

See a larger aerial photograph of the affected area HERE

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Fergus Ewing MSP says No To Fourth Tesco in Inverness
Saturday, January 28, 2006, 11:52 AM
Fergus Ewing MSP has pledged his support to oppose a fourth Tesco in Inverness. "Inverness needs a fourth Tesco store like Imelda Marcos needs another pair of shoes" he said. He cited Traffic Chaos, Flooding and the impact on Local Shops as reasons why it should not proceed along with a strong criticism of the government for not providing infastructure funding. He also urged the council to heed the views of it's citizens. He recently canvassed outside local Drumblair Stores and has invited residents views.
You can contact Fergus Ewing MSP Here
Fergus Ewing MSP with petitioner Anne Walker, Steven Roger and shopkeeper Shane Scragg.

Meanwhile nationally: MPs declare war on power of supermarket giants. Read the fully story here
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Shopkeepers Plan Demonstration and Appeal for Supporters
Monday, January 23, 2006, 11:50 PM
Local stores already have over 1000 names on their petition against Tesco and are now considering a demonstration outside council buildings with 'NO To Tesco' banners and leaflets.
You can add to our online petition HERE "Every Little Helps!".

See also: Is Tesco Threatening Your Business?
See also:Supermarkets 'will kill corner shops by 2015'

Inverness shopkeepers have appealed for support for a demonstration outside council buildings. If you wish to take part please let us know Here

(library image)

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Highland Council Press Release 19th January 2006
Saturday, January 21, 2006, 05:21 PM
"The Highland Council has not discussed a sum of money that the developer might be expected to pay for the infrastructure" Read the full story here
Read the Press & Journal article Here
Who said 13 million? Find out Here
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Friends of the Earth
Friday, January 20, 2006, 07:46 PM

The muscle of the major supermarkets in manipulating the planning system is leaving local councils powerless to resist their expansion, a new Friends Of The Earth report reveals.
Read the full story here
Also see
How to oppose local supermarket applications (PDF file)
How supermarkets get their way in planning decisions (PDF file)
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Tesco block Asda & Others (Inverness Courier)
Friday, January 20, 2006, 01:39 PM
Approval of Tesco's controversial plans for a 4th store in Inverness would almost certainly block any move by ASDA or other retailers to gain a foothold in the city as it would almost fill the 5000 metres food retailing space indentified in the local plan.
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Councils Refuse Tesco Expansions
Friday, January 20, 2006, 11:50 AM
The march of the multiple giant Tesco into the convenience sector has been halted in Barnet. More
Edinburgh council refused a Tesco application for Portobello. see comments
Aberdeen council refused a Tesco Supestore application in 2002. see comments
Council Refuse Norwich, Norfolk Tesco. see comments
Yiewsley Council Refuse Tesco. see comments

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